package DBConnection; # Version: $Id: 34 2011-03-01 09:46:00Z gsi $ =head1 NAME DBConnection - a helper/wrapper for MySQL (DBI) database connections =head1 SYNOPSYS # USE: installed in /software/perllibs use lib '/software/perllibs'; use DBConnection; # CONNECT my $db = DBConnection->new(host=>'localhost', db=>'cgdb', user=>'', password=>''); $db->init || die 'Cannot connect to database'; # DISCONNECT $db->close; # SINGLE SELECT $db->do("SELECT * FROM taxonomy WHERE Taxon_ID > 1720"); while (my @r = $db->fetch_row) { print join(', ',@r)."\n"; } # MULTIPLE SELECT AND NUMROWS my $sth1 = $db->do("SELECT * FROM taxonomy WHERE Taxon_ID > 1720") || print $db->error."\n"; print $db->query." retrieved ".$db->num_rows." tuples.\n"; my $sth2 = $db->do("SELECT * FROM taxonomy WHERE Taxon_ID < 6") || print $db->error."\n"; print $db->query." retrieved ".$db->num_rows($sth2)." tuples.\n"; while (my @r = $db->fetch_row($sth1)) { print join(', ',@r)."\n"; } # DUMP $db->dump_select("SELECT * FROM taxonomy WHERE Taxon_ID > 1720"); # INSERT $db->do("INSERT INTO taxonomy VALUES(100000,'Roland',10,1)") || print "Error: ".$db->error."\n"; # UPDATE $db->do("UPDATE taxonomy SET Taxon_Name='Laurent' WHERE Taxon_ID=100000"); # DELETE $db->do("DELETE FROM taxonomy WHERE Taxon_ID=100000"); ########### # BONUSES # ########### # FETCH WHOLE TABLE IN MEMORY my $rows = $db->fetch_table("SELECT * FROM table"); # INSERT my $h = { id=>$db->quote($pathway), name=>$db->quote($name), comment=>$db->quote($comment) }; $db->insert('pathway', $h); # EXISTS if (! $db->exists('pathway', { id => $db->quote('1CMET2-PWY') } ) ) { ... } =cut use strict; BEGIN { use Exporter (); our @EXPORT = qw(init select fetch_row num_rows error); our @EXPORT_OK = qw( host db user password dbh sth query error ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( FIELDS => [ @EXPORT_OK, @EXPORT ] ); } our @EXPORT_OK; # Class::Struct forbids use of @ISA sub import { goto &Exporter::import } use Class::Struct qw(struct); struct 'DBConnection' => [ host => '$', db => '$', user => '$', password => '$', dbh => '$', sth => '$', query => '$', ]; use DBI; =head1 Functions =cut sub init { my $self = shift; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=".$self->db.";host=".$self->host,$self->user,$self->password) || return 0; $self->dbh($dbh); return $self; } sub close { my $self = shift; $self->dbh->disconnect(); } =head2 query Sets or gets the query. # SET $db->query(SOME SQL); $db->do(SOME SQL); # GET print $db->query; =cut =head2 error Returns the last error string from MySQL. print $db->error; =cut sub error { return shift->dbh->errstr; } sub select($) { my ($self, $query) = @_; $self->query($query); my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; $self->sth($sth); return $self->sth; } sub num_rows { my $self = shift; if (@_) { return shift->rows; } else { return $self->sth->rows; } } =head2 fetch_row Returns the next row (as an array) of the last query or the specified statement handle ($sth) my $sth = $db->do("SELECT id, name FROM table"); my @row = $db->fetch_row; my ($id, $name) = $db->fecth_row($sth); =cut sub fetch_row { my $self = shift; if (@_) { return shift->fetchrow_array; } else { return $self->sth->fetchrow_array; } } =head2 fetch_hash Returns the next row (as a hash) of the last query or the specified statement handle ($sth) my $sth = $db->do("SELECT id, name FROM table"); my %h = $db->fetch_hash; my %h = $db->fecth_hash($sth); print $h->{'name'}; =cut sub fetch_hash { my $self = shift; if (@_) { return shift->fetchrow_hashref; } else { return $self->sth->fetchrow_hashref; } } =head2 quote Escape a string for its inclusion in a query, for example. $db->do('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='.$db->quote($id).'); =cut sub quote { my ($self, $value) = @_; return $self->dbh->quote($value); } sub do($) { my ($self, $query) = @_; $self->query($query); if (uc($query) =~ /^\s*SELECT/) { my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute; $self->sth($sth); return $self->sth; } else { return $self->dbh->do($query); } } =head2 dump_select Outputs (via print) the result of the passed query. A field (default ', '), and a row (default "\n") separator can be specified. $db->dump_select("SELECT * FROM table"); # SPECIFY COLUMN SEPARATOR $db->dump_select(SELECT * FROM table", "\t"); # SPECIFIY COLUMN AND ROW SEPARATOR $db->dump_select(SELECT * FROM table", "\t", "\n"); =cut sub dump_select($) { my ($self,$query, $fieldSep, $rowSep) = @_; $fieldSep = ', ' unless $fieldSep; $rowSep = "\n" unless $rowSep; $self->do($query); while (my @r = $self->fetch_row) { print join($fieldSep,@r).$rowSep; } } =head2 extract_matrix DOCUMENTATION TO DO =cut sub extract_matrix { my ($self,%args) = @_; my $row_field = $args{row_field}; my $col_field = $args{column_field}; my $val_field = undef; $val_field = $args{value_field} if defined $args{value_field}; my $table = $args{table}; my $query = "SELECT $row_field, $col_field"; $query.=", $val_field" if defined $val_field; $query.=" FROM $table ORDER BY $row_field, $col_field"; $self->do($query); my @rows; my %row_idx; my %col_idx; my $last_row = undef; my $i=0; my $j=0; while (my ($row_id,$col_id,$val) = $self->fetch_row) { if (!defined $last_row) { # 1st row ever $last_row = $row_id; $row_idx{$row_id} = $i; my @cols = (); $rows[$i] = \@cols; } elsif ($last_row ne $row_id) { # new row $row_idx{$last_row} = $i; $last_row = $row_id; $i++; $row_idx{$row_id} = $i; my @cols = (); $rows[$i] = \@cols; } if (!defined $col_idx{$col_id}) { $col_idx{$col_id} = $j++; } my @cols = @{$rows[$row_idx{$row_id}]}; $cols[$col_idx{$col_id}] = $val || 1; $rows[$row_idx{$row_id}] = \@cols; } return (\%row_idx, \%col_idx, \@rows); } =head2 fetch_all Returns a ref to an array of values (first column of the passed select statement). my $array_ref = $db->fetch_all("SELECT id FROM table"); =cut sub fetch_all { my ($self) = @_; my $sth = $self->sth; if (@_) { $sth = shift; } my @res; while (my ($v) = $sth->fetch_row) { push @res, $v; } return \@res; } =head2 fetch_table Returns a ref to an array of rows (arrays) my $array_ref = $db->fetch_table("SELECT * FROM table"); =cut sub fetch_table { my ($self, $query) = @_; $self->do($query); my @res; while (my @row = $self->fetch_row) { push @res, \@row; } return \@res; } =head2 insert Inserts the specified fields with the provided values into the specified table OR does nothing if they were already present. An error will occur though if trying to insert with an existing primary key with different values. my $h = { id => $db->quote($pathway), name => $db->quote($name), comment => $db->quote($comment) }; $db->insert('pathway', $h); =cut sub insert { my ($self, $table, $h) = @_; my @where; foreach (keys %$h) { push @where, $_.'='.$h->{$_}; } $self->do("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE ".join(' AND ', @where)); $self->do("INSERT INTO $table (".join(",", keys %$h).") VALUES (".join(",", values %$h).")") unless $self->num_rows > 0; } =head2 exists Returns the number of rows having the specified keys=values my $h = { id => $db->quote($pathway), name => $db->quote($name), comment => $db->quote($comment) }; if (!$db->exists('pathway', {id=>$db->quote($id)} )) { ... } =cut sub exists { my ($self, $table, $h) = @_; my @where; foreach (keys %$h) { push @where, $_.'='.$h->{$_}; } $self->do("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE ".join(' AND ', @where)); return $self->num_rows; } 1;